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7 Books Recommended to Me By Robert Rose

By Site Strategics
March 30, 2017

Best Books for Marketers

I love to read. It wasn’t always that way, though. It wasn’t until college that I really enjoyed a book and it wasn’t until the last few years I’ve really enjoyed non-fiction.

I also enjoy podcasts and when books and podcasts intersect, I tend to get a little excited.

One of my favorite podcasts to listen to every week is the PNR: This Old Marketing Podcast, hosted by Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose. Both of them work with the Content Marketing Institute – a leading global content marketing and training organization.

A few months ago, I was listening to their podcast and Joe and Robert were talking about the newest book from Tim Ferriss – Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers. This book is a collection of the habits and routines of over 200 people that Tim Ferriss interviewed on his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show. I’ve only just started with this book and it is full of a bunch of great insights from some highly successful people.

As I’m sitting at work listening to them discuss this book, I decide to shoot off a tweet to Robert and ask him for some other book recommendations to add to my library. A few hours later he responded with his email address so he could send me a list.

In my email to Robert, I asked for books he would recommend for marketers especially those who might not have the traditional marketing experience. Here is his list:

Different – Youngme Moon
Marketing 4.0 – Phillip Kotler
Discovery Driven Growth – Rita McGrath
The End of Competitive Advantage – Rita McGrath
Experiences: The 7th Era of Marketing – Robert Rose
Youtility – Jay Baer
Competing Against Luck – Clayton Christensen

I’m a big fan of learning and educating yourself, no matter what industry you are in – there is always something new you can learn. Henry Ford once said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

So, marketers, I hope you get a couple of these books and dive deep into them and learn something new! We also will have Robert Rose on our marketing podcast Edge of the Web Radio next Thursday 4/6 and will air the show on Facebook Live at 3PM! So we hope you will join us next week!