Or is homebrewing the SEO of hobbies? I suppose the answer to those questions doesn’t necessarily matter. What I’m getting at is that as both an SEO and a homebrewer, I find a lot of crossover. From a process level, anyway. And I started doing SEO only months before a buddy of mine helped me brew my […]
Google Fred Update: They Named An Update Fred
The team at Site Strategics has been monitoring a Google algorithm update name Fred (yes, like the Flintstones character) since about the middle of March, and we wanted to updated our readers on what we’ve seen so far! First off, who names an update Fred? I mean, Fred? Really? Just for your education, here are […]
Fact Checking: Coming to a Google Near You
Back in October 2016, Google announced that it was going to be testing a “fact check” tag on the articles that it delivered in the search results for its users. Not that I’m speculating or anything, but there might have been something in the world happening at that time that would possibly require a need […]