There are few times during a relationship with a prospect or client more exciting and important than during the onboarding process. There’s been buy in and commitment to work together, but so much of what lies ahead remains unknown, which is why it’s crucial to develop […]
Working Remotely or Remotely Working?
In my last blog on workplace culture, we discussed the overall environment that our team tries to create every day at Site Strategics. We feel that one big key to overall employee health and happiness is the ability to work from home, plan for that, schedule around it, and really take some time to decompress […]
Honesty – A Rare Commodity in Marketing
People lie. We’ve all experienced it. Often times, people do it with your best interests at heart. Other times, they do it because they want to avoid conflict or don’t want to admit that they did something wrong. It can be hard to face a client if a strategy you proposed didn’t work. It can […]
Culture Is King: The Feeling
This is the first in a series of blogs that I am going to write about the culture and environment that we have at Site Strategics. I have gotten a lot of questions from others outside of the company to actually talk to their bosses and organizations, so I figured I’d write some thoughts down […]
Jawboning in the Age of Social Media
The term “jawboning” was coined during the administration of Lyndon Johnson. Growing up in Washington, D.C., my memories of President Johnson are crystal clear, as he frequently attended our family’s church. He was known to effectively employ a political arm-twisting tactic in which he called a congressman on the phone and applied moral suasion, or […]
If Mark Twain Was a Keyword
Reports of Keyword Death Greatly Exaggerated This is true. A new writer recently looked at the notes for a content page and questioned the short list of keyword terms I’d asked her to include. “Aren’t keywords dead?” she asked. The answer is… yes, and no. Yes, because five minutes (well, several years) ago keywords were being […]
Site Strategics New Logo!
Site Strategics has a new logo! Yes, that’s right, you heard it here, folks! The logo of old, with a target on what might have been a TV, might have been a computer, definitely wasn’t a rocket ship, will be gone, but never forgotten. Our CEO, Erin Sparks, carried that logo with him through the […]
“Content Marketing: Feeding the Customer Journey” with Douglas Karr
“Feeding the Customer Journey” A good marketer knows to pursue opportunities when and where they are presented. That is why the Site Strategics team attended the Indy AMA lunch on June 14. DK New Media’s CEO Douglas Karr gave a great presentation titled, “Content Marketing: Feeding the Customer Journey.” Bringing his usual charismatic and conversational […]